Excited to share that two projects have received funding!
The first has been funded by the Royal Swedish Acadamy of Sciences (KVA) (97,634 SEK, €8,500) to utilize register data for studying the work and family life of male couples and multiparent families. This project, in collaboration with Ylva Moberg, addresses topics that are both timely and significant, and I am very enthusiastic about exploring these important questions.
The second is a project funded by the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU) (922,209 SEK, €80,000) to study parenthood and the gender gap in health and sick leave, led by Ylva as the principal investigator. I’m excited to be part of this project and explore important questions about health and family dynamics.
Exciting times ahead - looking forward to sharing insights as we move forward!
New projects!
« Zweeds ouderschapsverlof blijft ongelijk verdeeld Jonge mannen hebben minder egalitaire publieke genderopvattingen dan jonge vrouwen »
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